Saturday 19 November 2011

New Discoveries - Alyssa

So we have figured out why the cleaning people take so long to clean the rooms... First of all, Sheira came in on one of them sitting and watching TV in the room! And then this afternoon, she found a beer can that was mostly empty on the bathroom counter. We, all being non-drinkers, realized (upon farther inspection) that there was a missing beer from the little mini fridge in the room and one of the cleaning people must have taken it and drank on the job... Great service here folks.

We have also finally decided that Sheira's cinnamon gum that she has been offering us each day, is finally unusable... They have slowly become more melted and more smushed with each passing day, but today we finally had to draw the line when it had practically molded onto the computer charger in her backpack.

Amalie and I also have discovered that ALL the rooms look the same... This was actually Friday that this happened (so yesterday), but we had to run as fast as we could into our rooms to grab a computer so that we could get it to the lobby in time where there was internet. I had a class I was teaching online that day, so I had to get there on time and we were already running late. We vaulted up the steps and saw that the cleaning people were doing our rooms. We apologized, saying that we just had to grab something, and they nodded and let us run in. After frantically searching about, nothing seemed to be where it was supposed to be. We even opened the adjoining door to see if it was in the other room, but saw that the one on the other side was locked. Probably by the cleaners. Suddenly, Amalie stopped dead.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Ummm, those are not our suitcases Alyssa. These are not our rooms!” We had run into the wrong building! We were so embarrassed, yet glad we hadn't been caught, and hurried back out. Just as we were leaving, the guy in the adjoining room opened his door and saw us there. With no time for explanations, we rushed back down the stairs, praying the whole way down that he didn't realize that we had been in that room.

So yeah, be careful when you run into your room because it might not be your own...

We had a little birthday celebration for our friend Liz back at home. Tonight was one of our A La Carte Restaurant nights, so we treated ourselves to Italian and made a video of ourselves singing happy birthday to her with some fancy looking desserts. It was kinda cut short however when we all blew out the little table candle RIGHT as the server walked up... he looked a little confused....

Our last discovery of the day was of an interesting nature... My mom and I were on the tram on the way to the lobby when a guy from Trinidad struck up a conversation with us. He told us how his family was having a little reunion and when asked where his wife was, he replied that they were divorced. He then proceeded to ask us which rooms we were in. My mother kindly and to my chagrin, informed him our room number! He then showed us his room key so that we could see where he was staying. He passed it to my mom and she handed it back... Which was only taken back with reluctance. He then offered it to me to see, but I just looked at it and said “Oh yeah, that's nice and close to the lobby.”

His next words fit the puzzle peices in place and I finally got his message. “I'm just looking for a Senorita.” My mom tried SO hard not to laugh! She told him that maybe he would find one in Trinidad and he shrugged. She thhen proceeded to tell him that she had 7 kids and one on the way, pointing to her VERY swollen belly. He looked pretty shocked. The only downside of this tactful manoeuvre of my mom's, was that for the rest of the ride, he stared FIXEDLY at me. I could see him out of the corner of my eye, and when he caught me looking he raised his eyebrows and winked. I looked away as fast as possible, only to have him nudge me and say “It's a nice night?” Before I had a chance to even think of a reply, Kirsten started a conversation with me and we just talked to each other for the rest of the ride. She hadn't heard his question or known that he had kept winking at me, but had noticed his staring and wanted to show that we were done talking to him. Once in the lobby, he followed us and offered us a tequila which was very firmly declined.

What a creepy ending to our day! I think he was about 50? Better not stay up too late tonight!

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