Wednesday 16 November 2011

Life Without Females - Dallin

Day 1
The Night the Girls Left:
As soon as they left the driveway to catch the ferry, all the boys jumped for joy, knowing we could finally do all the guy things we have always dreamed about with out the girls stopping us! We decided that it would be a good idea to start with with a potato chip and movie party! (of course with dad's consent).

 Day 2
The First Day:
Being the good people we are, even with out the girls there, we are still continuing to do family devotional. I have to say, it was not as prepared or organized as usual (my best conclusion would be that it was simply just an off day). After we finished Jaeden and I did our usual rounds of "good morning wrestles". I obviously came out on top. But the coolest part is that there is no moms to tell when to stop or how much is enough! Don't worry though; no broken anythings......yet.

  Seeing that food was scarce in the house and there was only one banana left, you can guess what happened... We were not proud of that morning.... It was a battle for the last banana! It's needless to say the war story that went on, but what I can say is that I, Dallin the Great, came off conqueror. Or so I thought.. After obtaining my most precious price that I thought to put to the best use that I knew how. I chopped it up, and sprinkled the glistening banana slices over my flaky raw oats. I was truly excited for this meal. After filling this "golden bowl" with milk, I placed it on the counter and turned to the sink for a cup of water. I had scarcely done so when I turned back around and saw that Jaeden had given my bowl to Teyauna. It was too late for, before I could even go for it, she was filling her mouth and letting all the excess fall back into the bowl. I was filled with despair as I went and got new bowl of flaky oats with no banana.

The rest of the day was pretty casual. Everyone was doing their own thing; Jaeden and Norm doing business, Dailin probably doing explosive experiments, the two young lads were playing and doing schoolwork, I was working on my mission papers and Teyauna was just being a little princess. In the evening, Jaeden and Dailin went break dancing, while dad, the two boys and I played a game of ultimate tag in the house. We did not even break anything!

We all had a mid to late night getting to sleep because Norm and I were working out. That's it for now!!!