Saturday 19 November 2011

Deprived... - Jaeden

Day 3

Food is running scarce in our bleak refidgorator.... The house is getting colder by the minute and work is at an all time high...

With Dad trying to save money to pay for Mom and Alyssa's trip we have had to cut back on a few nesseities that if Mom was here we would normaly get. First of all filling the fridge is not really on the top of his todo list since Mom usually does that. With all the good food gone and only random things is the fridge we have had to be very creative with our meals. For breakfast we made the same thing we have had every morning since they left cold rolled oats and water YUM! Some of us have decided it's getting to bland and decided to spice up our deluxe oats with spice salsa, ketsup, ranch dressing and even pickles... Ya we are missing Mom's cooking. For lunch we usually see what interesting things are in the freezer today at the bottom of the freezer I couldn't beleve my luck when I found the REAL last banana... It was still frozed to the side of a yogurt container so it was hard to eat but was no match for the cheese grator.

Dallin says he is happy there are no girls in the house because now he can leave the bathroom door unlocked... ya not really pretty for the rest of us walking down the hall we are lucky if he remembers to close the door. But the big question still is: how is Dallin going to shift back to closing the door when they get home? We will probubly make him do "close, lock and flush" drills a couple days before they get back...

Dad wasn't home for dinner because he had a meeting tonight so we decided we could eat any thing we wanted. First we decided we would have a fancy diner and open one of the sparkling raspberry juice bottles (Orin who is the good kid in our family told us all Dad was going to kill us and refused to drink any). Then we set the table with crystal gobblets and started our Italian noodle dinner a perfect end to the day.

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